So, I'm supposed to be looking for these cups. I've heard from various sources that I seem to be "playing a role".
Let me assure all OF YOU, I am not playing some sort of role here. This search, this quest, this endeavor, this hunt is real.
I'm keeping it real. I keep it real like Evander Holyfield (He's a boxer, you can google him if you want. That's the guy who got his ear bitten off by Mike Tyson. I know this, because I fell asleep during the fight, and was awoken to my friends screaming "Holy S-word, that (expletive) bit his (expletive) ear off!!!")
I digress.
Today, I was minding my own business, and I saw the cups. I tried, I really tried to grab them, but they decided to get low class on my person, and try to cut me.
I didn't get cut. Though I imagine people might be wanting to see me get cut.
They got away. So sad.