It was really bad. I had a walker and everything.
P.S. I named it "Texas Ranger".
Did you get it? I hope you got yourself a chuckle out of that one.
Today was not such a good day. It seems someone committed the number one rule of work etiquette.
Thou Shalt Not Steal Pictures Of A Man's DOG from his slovenly desk.
Yes my desk is slovenly, but here's a little secret, are you ready for it?
I do it on purpose.
See when your desk is slovenly people tend to stay away from it and also they don't notice certain things on the desk or even near it.
For example, where I had my picture of my lovely, oh so wonderful dog Barkley ( slovenly attached with painter's tape), I felt it would behoove me to replace it with a dimensional art piece that I've had in my possession for a very long time.
What do you all think?
Well to tell the truth Barkley was excited to get off the wall that he was attached to with painters tape. He was out of breathe once he reached the office but I did offer him a drink of water and fried chicken and he was tickled to be away from your pig stein of a desk. We can discuss a swap but I will need to get Barkleys input. He feels he is worth 2 National championship AL cups and some fried pickles.