So, umm this is what had happened. I was walking today in the morning like I always do, and I had this thing in my bag. People call it a man purse, but I call it my "Jack Bauer" bag.
Today though, my bag was hurting me. Hurting me bad, because something in it was causing me a pain in my back. And since when I had the back surgery, I am hyper sensitive to anything related to my back.
So I got, angry. Don't forget, dogs get mad, people get angry. Or is it ornery? I don't know. Someone might have to explain that one to me at a later date.
The other side effect to my surgery is I kind of now have a shorter fuse when it comes to things. You would think that after all the pain that I had been enduring that this would be actually opposite. Alas, no, my fuse is short, and it's always about to get lit and go KA-BLOW KA-BLOW like Mel Gibson in that "Edge of Darkness" movie where he was all revenge oriented about stuff.
So I did something about it.
That's the pain medicine making you angry.